One Loudoun Market

The LVHMC mission is to promote local, sustainable and organic agriculture, increase economic opportunities for farmers and small food businesses, to offer experiential learning about and access to healthy local foods, and to build a vibrant gathering place for residents and visitors.
The Leesburg Farmers Market started in 1994. Due to its popularity and loyal following, the market became year-round in October 2006. Ashburn is now one of four additional seasonal markets each week at different locations in Loudoun County. On market days faithful shoppers attend the market because it reconnects them with their food sources. Our markets are “producer only” meaning that the vendor must be the grower or producer of ALL the products they sell. Our members must produce within a 125 mile radius of Loudoun County. That means that the season for each fruit and vegetable is longer. Shopping at a farmers market provides a forum for learning how food is grown, who grew it, and why it tastes so good. Our markets also host cooking demonstrations and kid friendly activities. These programs are free and open to the public.

LVHMC Farmers markets serve as integral links between urban, suburban, and rural communities, affording farmers and their consumers the opportunity to interact; the popularity of local farmers markets continues to rise, as more and more consumers discover the joys of shopping for unique ingredients sold direct from the farm, and the pleasure of buying familiar products in their freshest possible state.

Farmers markets are important, nationwide outlets for agricultural producers to increase marketing opportunities; all across the country farmers markets offer consumers farm-fresh, affordable, convenient, and healthy products such as: fruits, vegetables, meat, plants, herbs, flowers, baked goods, and other delicious hand made edibles.


One Loudoun Market location and schedule:

Summer Saturdays 9AM – 12PM at Farmers Market Exchange St. & Endicott Alley, Ashburn, VA.



Farmers Market

Ashburn Market at One Loudoun
Saturdays 9AM – 12PM